
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

What is a San Francisco restaurant symbol of excellency?

By  •  FAQ

A symbol of excellency is awarded by the San Francisco Department of Environmental Health. The Department of Environmental Health awards the symbol of excellency to San Francisco restaurants who have …
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How do I get lost pet back from San Francisco Animal Control?

By  •  FAQ

If Fido is lost, and you’ve put up fliers, you should check to see if he ended up at the San Francisco Animal Control.

Stray animals in San Francisco are …
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Why Americans Still Haven’t Found What They’re Searching For
13 years ago

Why Americans Still Haven’t Found What They’re Searching For

By  •  Tech

Good.Is recently reported on a study that revealed a startling technology statistic. According to Dan Russell, who studies how everyday people search for information online, 90% of computer users surveyed do not …
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San Francisco’s Need for Open, Transparent Government
13 years ago

San Francisco’s Need for Open, Transparent Government

Would you have more confidence in city government if it were open and transparent?

With emerging technology, the ability for government to share information has never been easier. As the …
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Is Anyone Still Happy with Ranked Choice Voting?
13 years ago

Is Anyone Still Happy with Ranked Choice Voting?

By  •  Politics

You’ve got to give them credit: the San Francisco Department of Elections is putting the best face on a tough challenge. Recognizing that San Francisco’s ranked choice election system is …
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An API for Ethics in City Government
13 years ago

An API for Ethics in City Government

Regular readers of Reset know we are all about crowdsourcing solutions to San Francisco city problems. But as we think about unlocking the wisdom of the crowds to make our …
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