
Posts By sf-admin

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How do I report a San Francisco restaurant health complaint?

By  •  FAQ

Food borne-illness complaints should be reported to the San Francisco Department of Environmental Health shortly after the illness occurs. You can report a food borne-illness complaint by calling 415-554-2830. The …
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How do I find a health score for a restaurant in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

To find a health score for any restaurant visit the San Francisco Department of Public Health website. The Department of Public Health maintains a database with all San Francisco restaurants' …
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Why do sirens go off every Tuesday in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

Every Tuesday at noon the Department of Emergency Management tests the City’s Outdoor Public Warning System by running a siren for 15 seconds. In the event of an emergency or …
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How does the public hearing process work for colored curbs in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

When you submit an application for the installation of any new colored curb zones in San Francisco, a public hearing is necessary to approve the application. Public hearings are held …
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What do blue curbs means in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

Blue curb zones in San Francisco  are for parking spaces for individuals with valid disabled parking permits. Blue zones are located in commercial areas, near parks and playgrounds. There is …
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What do yellow curbs means in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

Yellow curbs in San Francisco are for active freight loading and unloading only by commercial vehicles. You cannot park in yellow curb areas for long-term parking. Enforcement times for yellow …
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