
Posts By sf-admin

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How do I apply for a green zone in front of my business?

By  •  FAQ

Green zones are often used for areas where errands are short such as dry cleaners, florists, small convenience stores, postal centers and hardware stores. Applications for green zones are reviewed …
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What do green curbs mean in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

Green curbs mean areas zoned for short term parking, generally less than 10 minutes. Green zones are usually enforced 9 a.m. until 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday.

Vehicles displaying valid …
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Seattle’s Transit Program Offers Incentives to Increase Ridership

Faced with the difficult decision of cutting major Metro transit service in light of budget deficits, leaders in Seattle’s King County decided that rather than cutting bus service they would …
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How do I apply for a white zone curb?

By  •  FAQ

Applications for white zones are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. For information visit the SFMTA white/green zone fee schedule. An application for a white zone may be denied if private …
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What do white curbs in San Francisco mean?

By  •  FAQ

White curbs in San Francisco denote zones for passenger loading and unloading of no more than 5 minutes. Time zone enforcements for white zones will vary and are indicated by …
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How much is the red zone driveway renewal fee?

By  •  FAQ

The renewal fee for red zone driveways under the SFMTA color curb program is as follows:

  • Application – $144
  • Paint- $134
  • Total- $278

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