
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

How do I report a moving van that is double-parked in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

To report a moving company vehicle that is doubled parked or blocking sidewalk in progress you can call San Francisco parking enforcement at 415-553-1200. 


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How do I report an abandoned vehicle on public property in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

You can report abandoned vehicles on public property online here. When reporting an abandoned vehicle, you will need to provide the following information in your report:

How do I report a defect in public stairs in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

You can report damaged public stairs, such as large cracks, and broken steps online to the Department of Public Works. You will need to choose whether the issue is in …
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How do I report a missing or loose sewer or vent cover in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

You can report missing or loose sewer or vent covers in San Francisco online to the Department of Public Works. You will need to choose whether the issue is in …
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Happy Labor Day!

By  •  Events

Happy Labor Day! We at Reset San Francisco are thankful for this Labor Day because working to reset our city is hard work – from championing Muni reform to …
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Dolores Park Plans Show Crowdsourcing in Action

By  •  Environment

Would government work better if you had more say? At Reset San Francisco, we think the answer to that question is absolutely yes, which is why we are so excited about …
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