
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin
San Francisco Taxi Cab Rates Set to Increase (But There’s Also More Cabs Coming)
13 years ago

San Francisco Taxi Cab Rates Set to Increase (But There’s Also More Cabs Coming)

Starting Monday, September 5, the cost of catching a ride in a San Francisco taxi will increase – despite the fact that San Francisco is already one of the priciest …
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Chicago Promises Citizens Open Government
13 years ago

Chicago Promises Citizens Open Government

Many cities are taking steps toward Gov 2.0, from engaging citizens on social networks to crowdsourcing constitutions. Chicago is the latest in the growing list of cities embracing the open …
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Open Government Obama Style
13 years ago

Open Government Obama Style

The White House has taken several steps to foster Gov 2.0 and open government, like Twitter town halls, and writing recommendations for an Open Government Directive.

Now the White House …
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Muni Considering All-Door Boarding
13 years ago

Muni Considering All-Door Boarding

All-door boarding is already a reality on most Muni lines, but now it might actually become legal. As first reported by the SF Chronicle, SFMTA is considering all-door boarding on …
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Nato Green: It’s Funny Because It’s True

In a recent interview in Rolling Stone, Keith Olbermann said that, “Comedians are the only people paid to tell the truth in public discourse.” Fortunately, San Francisco has been …
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Don’t Let the Politicians Raid Muni’s Budget for Pet Projects
13 years ago

Don’t Let the Politicians Raid Muni’s Budget for Pet Projects

Time to reform the “Work Orders” that let politicians divert funds earmarked to make Muni faster and more reliable. Sign our petition today!

By: Phil Ting

Three times in the …
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