
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

What do I do if an earthquake strikes while I am at home?

By  •  FAQ

The Earthquake and Hazards Program of the Association of Bay Area Governments recommends that you know three things in the event that an earthquake strikes while you are at home …
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How can I retrofit my San Francisco apartment for an earthquake emergency?

By  •  FAQ

You may not be able to restructure the foundation of your apartment complex, but  you can still take action to secure your belongings in the event of an earthquake. The …
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How do I retrofit my San Francisco home for an earthquake emergency?

By  •  FAQ

It’s important for San Franciscans to prepare their homes for the next big earthquake. And the good news is that most home owners can hire a contractor to do the …
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How can I teach my children about earthquake preparedness?

By  •  FAQ

In San Francisco, we need to teach our children about earthquake safety. The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management created a fun and animated Quake Quiz to teach people how …
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How can I prepare for a major flood or storm in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission published an informational pamphlet on how to best prepare for an emergency storm in the city — what to do in case of uprooted …
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How can I prepare myself for an earthquake in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management provides a variety of programs and resources to improve your earthquake safety in San Francisco. provides families with emergency preparedness information such …
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