
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

How do I change my legal name after marriage?

By  •  FAQ

Once you sign your marriage certificate, you are eligible to legally change your last name. You will also need to file name change paperwork through the Department of Motor Vehicles
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How can I get a copy of my divorce papers from the Superior Court in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

All divorce matters are handled by the Superior Court. If you filed for divorce in the county of San Francisco, your records will be stored in the San Francisco county …
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How can I file for divorce in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

You can learn about the process for filing for divorce by contacting the San Francisco Superior Court customer service line at (415) 551 – 3802. You will need to mail …
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How can I change my legal name in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

All name change requests not for the reason of marriage are conducted through the Superior Court of San Francisco, which is located at 400 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102.

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What is the purpose of the SF Carbon Fund?

By  •  FAQ

The San Francisco Carbon Fund encourages green investments in local San Francisco businesses by directing money into the green job sector and financing innovative environmental projects in San Francisco.


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What is the San Francisco Energy Watch Program?

By  •  FAQ

The San Francisco Energy Watch Program was launched in 2007 to give San Francisco building managers and businesses the information, resources, and energy saving equipment they need to conserve energy …
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