
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

What is the Integrated Pest Management Policy in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

The Integrated Pest Management Policy in San Francisco was established to encourage the safe use of pesticides in our city, since the city of San Francisco has taken the position …
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What items are considered Hazardous Waste?

By  •  FAQ

There are certain items which require special disposal and can therefore not be thrown away in our regular San Francisco black landfill bins. These items are called hazardous waste and …
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What can I throw away in my black bin?

By  •  FAQ

The black bin outside of San Francisco homes and businesses is for trash intended for a landfill. As part of the mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance, all San Franciscans are …
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What can be composted in my green bin?

By  •  FAQ

The green bin outside of homes and businesses in San Francisco is for composting. As part of the mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance, all San Franciscans are required to compost …
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What can be recycled in my blue bin?

By  •  FAQ

The blue bin outside of homes and businesses in San Francisco is for recycling. As part of the mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance, all San Franciscans are required to dispose …
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What is the mandatory Recycling and Composting Ordinance in San Francisco?

By  •  FAQ

The San Francisco Recycling and Composting Ordinance was created to help San Francisco reach its goal of zero waste by 2020. Under this city ordinance, all San Franciscns are required …
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