
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

How do I apply for a business permit or license in San Francisco?

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If you are interested in starting a business in San Francisco, the first step is to set up an appointment with the appropriate city agency to discuss your business plan …
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What is the San Francisco Small Business Assistance Center?

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The San Francisco Small Business Assistance Center provides individual case management for small businesses and entrepreneurs in San Francisco. You can call the center to schedule an appointment at (415) …
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What is the difference between the Jobs Now!2 program and the Jobs Now!3 program?

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The Jobs Now!2 program was supported by federal funding from President Obama’s stimulas package, while Jobs Now!3 is supported by the city of San Francisco and the Human Services Agency
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Do employers who are enrolled in Jobs Now!2 program have to apply to the Jobs Now!3 program?

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No, employers who are were accepted by the Human Services Agency in Jobs Now!2 after October 2010 do not need to apply in order to participate in Jobs Now!3. You …
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How much does the Human Services Agency offer employers in the JOBS NOW!3 program?

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As of June 1, 2011 the Human Services Agency in San Francisco offers employers a $5,000 wage subsidy for all new hires. The subsidy is distributed over a 5-month period, …
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What is the Jobs Now!3 program?

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Jobs Now!3 is a wage subsidy program in San Francisco that provides work opportunities to low income individuals while creating an incentive in the form of a wage reimbursement for …
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