
Posts By sf-admin

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What is the average GPA of incoming freshmen at University of San Francisco?

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The average GPA for incoming freshmen at the University of San Francisco in 2010 was 3.52. This number fluctuates from year to year. You can receive the most current GPA …
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What percentage of University of San Francisco students receives financial aid?

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The number varies from year to year and there is no fixed number of students who receive financial aid from the University of San Francisco. In 2010, 51.8% of undergraduate …
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What is the student to faculty ratio at the University of San Francisco?

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The student to faculty ratio at the University of San Francisco varies slightly every year depending on the number of students and faculty. In 2010, the student to faculty ratio …
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What is the most popular graduate major at the University of San Francisco?

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In 2010, the most popular graduate discipline at the University of San Francisco was Education.


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What is the average class size at the University of San Francisco?

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While the average class size at the University of San Francisco varies from year to year, the school has many small size classrooms. In 2010, the average class size at …
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What is the graduate enrollment of the University of San Francisco?

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The undergraduate enrollment rate for the University of San Francisco varies from year to year, but generally stays rather consistent. In 2010, 9,585 graduate students were enrolled at the University …
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