
Posts By sf-admin

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What are the Community Colleges in San Francisco?

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San Francisco has one community college, which is City College of San Francisco or CCSF. This community college is one of the largest community colleges in the country and has …
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What are the art schools in San Francisco?

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San Francisco has several art schools that offer a wide range of programs and studies. They include:

  • Academy of Art University
  • California College of the …
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What are the four-year public colleges in San Francisco?

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San Francisco has one public four-year college, which is San Francisco State University. SF State, as it is more commonly called, was founded in 1899 and has been a part …
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What are the four-year private colleges in San Francisco?

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The two largest private, four-year colleges in San Francisco are Golden Gate University and the University of San Francisco. For more information about these schools, their tuition rates and programs, …
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When are San Francisco Budget Committee meetings held?

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The Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee meets most Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. These meetings are open to the public. For more information about the upcoming meeting agenda, you …
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Who is on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors budget committee?

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The Budget Committee in San Francisco is comprised of five city supervisors, who remain on the committee until San Francisco Board of Supervisors adapts the annual appropriate and salary ordinances, …
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