
Posts By sf-admin

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When was San Francisco first discovered?

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On June 17, 1579, English explorer Francis Drake came upon the Bay while trying to escape Spanish explorers along the California coast. Drake founded New Albion along the bay and …
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When was Chinatown established?

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San Francisco Chinatown was established in the 1840s and is considered the oldest Chinatown in North America. Many Chinese immigrants and workers built a life for themselves in Chinatown following …
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What is the origin of Ghirardelli Square?

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Domingo Ghirardelli was an Italian immigrant who moved to San Francisco in hopes of striking it rich during the California Gold Rush. Instead he struck out – failing to find …
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Who designed the Golden Gate Bridge?

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Joseph Strauss was the head engineer who designed and led the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. Strauss was a German-American structural engineer and a poet. He died one year …
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When was the Golden Gate Bridge built?

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The Golden Gate Bridge was started in 1933 and completed in 1937 and links the northern edge of San Francisco to Marin County. When first built, the Golden Gate Bridge …
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What is the history of Sourdough bread in San Francisco?

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Sourdough was the most common kind of bread sold during the California Gold Rush, and continues to be popular today. San Francisco sourdough bread is said to be the most …
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