
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

When did Alcatraz become a prison?

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Crime in the Bay Area began to rise substantially around the time of the California Gold Rush. And by the late 1850s, military prisoners were beginning to be held captive …
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How did Alcatraz get its name?

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Juan Manuel de Ayala was a Spanish explorer who is said to have been the first to sail into the San Francisco Bay. He named the three islands he discovered …
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Why was Coit Tower built?

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The Coit Tower was a monument built for the firefighters in San Francisco and named after Lillie Hitchcock Coit. She is said to have been rescued from a severe fire …
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When was the Tenderloin founded?

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The Tenderloin district became a colorful neighborhood around the time of the California Gold Rush in 1849. The neighborhood includes landmarks such as the Alcazar Theatre and Glide Memorial church. …
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Who was Saint Francis?

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Saint Francis was a Catholic friar and preacher from Italy who founded the Franciscan Order. After he died, he became the patron saint of animals and the environment. In 1846 …
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How many San Franciscans have college degrees?

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According to a Bay Area census conducted in 2000, 28.6% of San Franciscans have a Bachelor’s degree. which is about 170,186 people. There were 16.4% of city residents who earned …
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