
Posts By sf-admin

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How many San Francisco residents are foreign-born?

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According to a Bay Area census conducted in 2000, 36.8% of San Franciscans, or 491,192 people, were born in a country other than the United states. The 2010 Bay Area …
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How many immigrants in San Francisco are not citizens?

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According to a Bay Area census conducted in 2000, 15.7% of the San Francisco population, or 122,115 people, are not citizens of the United States. The 2010 Bay Area census …
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How old is the average San Franciscan?

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We seem to be maturing as a city. According to the 2010 Bay Area census, the median age in San Francisco is 38.5 years old. Our median age in 2000 …
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What percentage of San Francisco is over 65 years old?

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According to the 2010 Bay Area census, 13.6% of San Franciscans, or 109,842 people, are over the age of 65 years old. Not much as changed in the last ten …
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What percentage of San Francisco is under 18?

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According to the 2010 Bay Area census, 13.4% of San Franciscans are under the age of 18. This works out to 107,524 individuals. In 2000, 14.5% of San Franciscans were …
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What is the total population in San Francisco?

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According to the 2010 Bay Area Census, the total population of San Francisco is 805,235, which is up from 776,733 in 2000. 


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