
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

When was the Clipper Card launched?

By  •  FAQ

When the Clipper Card first launched in June 2010, there was more than a little controversy around how the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) implemented the new program. The intention of …
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How many people use Clipper Card?

By  •  FAQ

A press release from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in February 2011 reported that there are over 625,000 active Clipper cards in circulation around the Bay Area. There are about 374,000 …
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Can I buy discounted MUNI Passes?

By  •  FAQ

Discounted MUNI transit passes are available. These discounted passes may be purchased at San Francisco’s Visitor Information Center located at 900 Market Street. The discounted pass includes MUNI buses, Metro, …
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The City and a Sense of Place

When we talk about Resetting San Francisco, we are almost always talking about our city government – so our streets are clean, our schools are funded, our economy is …
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Earthquake Coming? There is an App for that.
13 years ago

Earthquake Coming? There is an App for that.

Apple offers smartphone app for Japan on its iOS5

On Tuesday, two large earthquakes hit the United States. A 5.8 earthquake rattled the East Coast, while San Francisco endured a …
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Now That’s the Way to Reset San Francisco!
13 years ago

Now That’s the Way to Reset San Francisco!

Thank you to everyone who came to our Muni town hall last night and a very special thank you to our panelists Tim PapandreouJoél Ramos, and author Greg Dewar.

Nearly 300 San Franciscans joined us last night. …
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