
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

SF Public Press Nails the Audit Story– City Leaving Millions on the Table.

One of our favorite local news communities is just nailing this audit story. Angela Hart at SF Public Press goes into detail about how many city departments are failing to …
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SFMTA Announces Plan to Bring Bike Sharing to San Francisco
13 years ago

SFMTA Announces Plan to Bring Bike Sharing to San Francisco

By: Victoria Holliday

Years after bike-sharing programs brought transit options to cities like Berlin, Paris and Mexico City – bike sharing is finally coming to San Francisco. The SFMTA just …
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Are We Electing a Mayor Without a Mandate?

With the last-minute entry of Public Defender Jeff Adachi into the race for Mayor of San Francisco, the political situation remains opaque while the public policy dilemma facing the city …
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Creating a Civic Return on Investment Calculator – How to Deliver Better Services Without Endless Cuts
13 years ago

Creating a Civic Return on Investment Calculator – How to Deliver Better Services Without Endless Cuts

With ever-growing state and federal cutbacks now virtually guaranteed to strike the most vulnerable San Franciscans, our city government has a duty to address the key question head on: how …
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Censorship Is Not a Public Safety Strategy
13 years ago

Censorship Is Not a Public Safety Strategy

BART Shuts Off Cell Phone Service to Prevent Protest

The news from BART keeps getting worse and worse. We learned this morning that not only did BART turn off cell …
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Getting Inside the Outside Lands Festival
13 years ago

Getting Inside the Outside Lands Festival

The third annual Outside Lands Festival is this weekend: 72 bands, 51 local restaurants, 30 wineries, and an expected 100,000 plus festival-goers. And while we are excited about the festival …
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