
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin
Should San Franciscans Support a Company that Won’t Support California?
13 years ago

Should San Franciscans Support a Company that Won’t Support California?

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On Friday, Governor Brown signed an important online sales tax bill into law that makes companies conducting online sales in California pay state sales taxes. …
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Priorities of the SF MUNI
13 years ago

Priorities of the SF MUNI

Interesting news this morning from the SF Examiner – a report that the San Francisco Municipal Railway is spending $100,000 on outside public relations consultants to help battle the driver’s …
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Sales Tax Goes Down, Sales Tax Goes Up?
13 years ago

Sales Tax Goes Down, Sales Tax Goes Up?

By  •  Tax Reform

Californians across the state are going to notice a few extra dollars in their wallet when they go buy a new plasma TV, iPad 2 or DVD player.

That’s because, …
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How do I buy a Muni Fast Pass?

By  •  How To

Reset Rating: C+ (9 out of 15)

By: Katie Short


So to save money, you’ve decided to purchase a Muni Fast Pass good on BART
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It’s Been a Long Journey Into the 21st Century
13 years ago

It’s Been a Long Journey Into the 21st Century

SFPD, the 11th largest police department in the United States, just got email. Does this seem a little absurd to you?

We think it is – but at least it’s …
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NYC Declares Social Media Day
13 years ago

NYC Declares Social Media Day

By  •  Tech

We have to give it to New York City. When it comes to Gov 2.0, they are taking charge. Last week, Gotham marked the inaugural Social Media Day, official proclamation …
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