
Posts By sf-admin

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Gov 2.0: Climate Change
13 years ago

Gov 2.0: Climate Change

By  •  Environment

The latest adventure into Gov. 2.0 comes to us today from the California Energy Commission and The Natural Resources Agency in the form of Cal-Adapt, a new online tool for …
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SFMTA and union close the deal, now it’s up the union members


On Wednesday, the vote over new Muni contracts between SFMTA and the Transport Working Union Local 250-A, a 2,200-member union, comes after more than four months of negotiation. The …
Read More – A Stunning Façade or the New Face of Government 2.0?
13 years ago – A Stunning Façade or the New Face of Government 2.0?

By  •  Tech

Utah recently launched its new interactive state government website, The site has received praise and many awards for being cutting edge and Web 2.0 friendly. The site reportedly gets …
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Can Government 2.0 Use Social Media to Predict Social Problems?
13 years ago

Can Government 2.0 Use Social Media to Predict Social Problems?

By  •  Tech

What if San Francisco city government could spot a problem before it was a big problem? Without doubt, that would make the city government smarter, faster and maybe even less …
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Why Does the GGNRA Keep Stepping In It?
13 years ago

Why Does the GGNRA Keep Stepping In It?

By  •  Environment

It is conventional wisdom that San Francisco has more dogs than children.

While nobody really knows if that’s any truer than all the other conventional wisdom out there – if …
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Major Online Security Breach at SFPUC?
13 years ago

Major Online Security Breach at SFPUC?

By  •  Public Safety

CNET has broken the news of a potentially major online security breach at the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission – the City of San Francisco’s water and power agency.

According …
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