
Posts By sf-admin

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Government Innovation With the Harvard Stamp of Approval
13 years ago

Government Innovation With the Harvard Stamp of Approval

San Francisco’s city government has its obvious problems. But for all the failures and follies at City Hall, there are some bright spot when it comes to Gov 2.0 …
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San Francisco Launches Online Database of Board and Commission Appointments
13 years ago

San Francisco Launches Online Database of Board and Commission Appointments

Last week San Francisco’s Mayor Ed Lee announced the launch of a new publicly available database, the Online Database of Board and Commission Appointments, which aggregates information on San Francisco …
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BART Considers Text Message Line for Passenger Complaints
13 years ago

BART Considers Text Message Line for Passenger Complaints

BART is considering establishing a text-message line that would allow riders to immediately report problems, allowing the agency to move more quickly to address passenger concerns. Text-messages would be forwarded …
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In San Francisco we take our food seriously – so why not our school lunches?
13 years ago

In San Francisco we take our food seriously – so why not our school lunches?

In San Francisco, we like our food.  From the localvore movement to food trucks to Four Star restaurants like La Folie and Gary Danko, food is a hallmark …
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Deliberative Polling – Will it Make Government More Responsive?
13 years ago

Deliberative Polling – Will it Make Government More Responsive?

Garbage in, garbage out.

That old programming aphorism from mainframe days frequently comes to mind when we look at so much of the public policy produced by state and local …
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