
Posts By sf-admin

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Sunday in the Parks (that Make us Safer)
13 years ago

Sunday in the Parks (that Make us Safer)

By  •  Neighborhood

Did you know studies have shown that well maintained neighborhood parks lower crime while raising property values?

In terms of Civic Return on Investment, there are few San Francisco government …
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Phil Ting Speaks at the Rally to Save GoSolarSF

By  •  Environment

Watch the video from Thursday’s rally at City Hall.

Phil Ting joins Sierra Club and hardworking San Franciscans who support GoSolarSF, San Francisco’s solar incentive program, which has created …
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Save Candlestick Point!

By  •  Neighborhood

It’s bad news for San Franciscans, and even worse for residents of Bayview-Hunters Point. Candlestick Point State Recreation Area is on the list of state parks slated to be closed …
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Photo of the Week

By  •  Neighborhood

JC Sanchez is this week’s Photo of the Week winner. Beautiful shot, JC!

Our Beautiful Neighborhood

Do you have a “San Francisco Moment” that you’d like to share? You …
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Can You Balance San Francisco’s Budget?
13 years ago

Can You Balance San Francisco’s Budget?

Today, Mayor Ed Lee announced the San Francisco Budget Challenge – an online tool that allows the public to look at budget-saving options at City Hall. The website provides San …
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Help Support GoSolarSF

By  •  Environment

In San Francisco, great policy still isn’t always enough. Sometimes we need public support to help our friends and colleagues in city government make the right choices.

That’s why the …
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