
Posts By sf-admin

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This is Resetting In Action
13 years ago

This is Resetting In Action

By  •  Food

Would you trade one dollar for one dollar and seventy four cents?

Of course you would. And that’s what some smart California legislators are trying to do by expanding California’s …
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Photo of the Week Contest

At Reset San Francisco, we not only encourage residents to discuss important local policy issues, but we also want to rave about what makes San Francisco great.

San Francisco is …
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Does it feel like you have been waiting longer for MUNI lately?
13 years ago

Does it feel like you have been waiting longer for MUNI lately?

MUNI’s on-time rate fell to 71.1% during the second quarter (October through December) of the current fiscal year. This marks the lowest on-time rate in the past five reporting periods …
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Late Night BART to Get New Life?
13 years ago

Late Night BART to Get New Life?

Like Cinderella, in San Francisco the party can often stop at Midnight.

That is, if you’re a BART rider enjoying the myriad nightlife activities in and around San Francisco.

But, …
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Food Fights & Food Carts in Dolores Park
13 years ago

Food Fights & Food Carts in Dolores Park

By  •  Food

By: Eric Pugatch

The forecast for Dolores Park this weekend calls for more sunshine and yes, more tacos – marking a historic turning point in the lengthy public spat over …
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A Reset San Francisco Inspiration

Would the government work better if you had more say?

At Reset San Francisco – we think the answer to that question is absolutely yes, which is why we were …
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