
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

MUNI now traveling in the subway with the doors open. Great.

Soooo, here’s a totally normal video…a MUNI subway car – the outbound L-Taraval train that was travelling between Van Ness and Church Street stations – was caught on video with …
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Beyond Information Without Impact
13 years ago

Beyond Information Without Impact

By: Eric Jaye

Here’s the good news – the idea that governments should collect feedback from residents is gaining broader acceptance under the banner of Gov. 2.0.

Here’s the bad …
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Announcing 2 New Discussion Pages!

The Reset San Francisco team is excited to announce two new topics on – Arts & Culture and SF Favorites. On these subpages, we’ll focus on some of the …
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Fighting Parking Tickets in San Francisco – Take it to the Web
13 years ago

Fighting Parking Tickets in San Francisco – Take it to the Web

By: Ben Shore

It’s fairly likely that you or someone you know has, at some point, experienced the following situation in San Francisco:

  1. Walk out of …
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How the iPad 2 and Tax Code Upgrades Can Help Fix Our Budget Mess
14 years ago

How the iPad 2 and Tax Code Upgrades Can Help Fix Our Budget Mess

By: Juan Carlos Sanchez

“Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changin’.”

After a year of making fun of Apple’s iPad …
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Breaking the Code
14 years ago

Breaking the Code

By  •  Tech


How many times have we walked down the street, seen a government sign or posting and asked the question – “What’s going on here?”

Now there is a …
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