
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

Holy Potholes!

According to this recent article in 7×7 Magazine, SF Streets are the second worst in the nation. What?!

I don’t drive but I do ride the bus, catch cabs, and …
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Time to get pensions under control-there is only one pot

By  •  Tax Reform

I know this is controversial.  First of all I love our city.  We are a little quirky but we have a clean, friendly city that is moderately easy to get …
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Using Web 2.0 Tools and Social Media to Help in Times of Disaster

By  •  Tech


As the world continues to watch and react to the tragic earthquake and tsunami in Japan, communities far and wide are assessing their own systems of disaster alert …
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The Clipper Card Disaster

Why the new Clipper Card system is actually making the SF Municipal Railway worse

by: Eric Jaye The Clipper Card sounds like a great idea – until you use it. …
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From shoe-strings to bootstraps in SF

By  •  Jobs

One of San Francisco’s finest achievements has been its leadership on wage ordinances. The city’s living wage requirements are better than any other city in the country. The living wage …
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Time to Allow YouTube Testimony at City Hall

By: Phil Ting, San Francisco Assessor-Recorder

When you look at some actions our San Francisco city government takes – do you ever say to yourself, “What were they thinking?”

I …
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