
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin
San Francisco Taxi Cabs Must be Used More Efficiently
14 years ago

San Francisco Taxi Cabs Must be Used More Efficiently

By: Ben Shore

Many of us have stood along the Embarcadero, around Union Square or outside Pier 39 on a rainy and cold San Francisco evening waiting patiently for a …
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Crowdsourcing San Francisco City Hall

Open government may benefit quality of life

by: Kate Maeder

We can’t escape it – our Smartphones, apps, home computers – we’re constantly connected to the web, but more …
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The Wealth of Cities
14 years ago

The Wealth of Cities

By  •  Neighborhood, Tech

In these tough times, most of us are looking to save a few dollars. And when we save money on goods that are produced far away, that means we have …
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Creating a Better Business Environment for the 21st Century
14 years ago

Creating a Better Business Environment for the 21st Century

By  •  Jobs

By Scott Hauge, President, Small Business California

As the president of Small Business California, I believe in the free market. And I also believe that what makes the free …
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Proposition 26 keeps MUNI’s hands tied

While the November 2010 mid-term election saw many progressive victories in California – like sending Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris to Sacramento and beating back Proposition 23 – …
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SF MTA Getting Smarter with Taxis?

It seems that the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency has been getting a bit of a bad rap for a while now, so I was quite pleased to see this …
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