
Posts By sf-admin

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Obstacles to More Jobs in San Francisco

By  •  Jobs

Thank you to everyone in the jobs group for helping make the Reset San Francisco launch event such a success! We want to keep the discussion going online so that …
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Financial Dashboard: Where do your tax dollars go

From the ResetSF launch event, transparency was a popular theme. As an open government advocate, I do believe in the well-known quote from U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeisthat that “Sunlight is the …
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Frequency and on-time performance

One key to improving MUNI is simple — improve frequency and on-time performance.  Well I know that is way easier said then done.  But on several of the lines, only …
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Plastic Bag Ban

By  •  Environment

It looks like the State Legislature didn’t pass the ban on single-use plastic bags: Does anybody have an opinion on that? Seems like it’s been a definite issue of interest …
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Parents Struggle for their Choice in Schools

By  •  Education

Should parents be allowed to have their first choice school? Or should parents just go to the school their child is supposed to go to according to the district? …
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Adjust District Boundaries for Supervisors

Little talked about, but of much influence in determining the direction of our City, is the upcoming redrawing of district boundaries as a result of the most recent census. Many …
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