
Posts By sf-admin

Latest Posts | By sf-admin

What do you think about Standardized Tests?

By  •  Education

I came across this article today, and I think it raises an interesting question.

Do you think that teachers are “dumbing down” the curriculum for the tests, or do …
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Should we do away with Supervisor term limits?

I propose we do away with term limits for Supervisors. Although Alioto-Pier was a slightly different issue in that she said she shouldn’t have her first partial term counted (, …
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Clipper Card

The rollout of the clipper card has in my opinion been a failure although it is a great step toward a more efficient regional transit system.  The card should be …
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Prop 13

By  •  Tax Reform

I am in huge support of closing the loophole in Prop 13 and making our state tax system run more efficiently. I can’t believe it’s taken this long, despite a …
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