California Common Sense Launches Interactive Data Tool for San Francisco
California Common Sense (CACS) is a Stanford-based nonprofit focused on government transparency through opening government financial data to the public – serious Gov 2.0 stuff.
While CACS is focused on educating the public about the state’s expenditures and revenues, they’ve just created a San Francisco-specific interactive data transparency portal. We think it is pretty cool and encourage you to check it out here.
The CACS tool offers a high-tech visualization of the last 10 years of San Francisco’s historical debt, deficits, surpluses, revenues and expenditures. Not only does it show you the changes in these amounts overtime, but it breaks down what contributed to those totals, such as public works, public protection, and general government administration.
Stay tuned because CACS plans to launch more in-depth San Francisco data analysis soon. They plan to include line item expenditures from each city department, debt statistics and the number of employees in each department.
In the meantime, geek out with us over this interactive data tool that our friends at California Common Sense have created.