Ending Garbage Monopoly in San Francisco
Is it time for San Francisco to change its garbage hauling business law?
David Campos thinks so. As San Francisco faces a huge deficit, Campos thinks competition could increase revenue for San Francisco because of higher franchise fees, potentially $14 million more that could go to the general fund. Competitive bidding can also motivate private companies to improve service and cut rates – a better deal for San Franciscans. San Francisco is the only one of 95 cities surveyed in the Bay Area that has no competitive bidding process nor franchise agreement for trash hauling.
For decades, Recology has had an exclusive, no-bid contract to collect garbage within city limits, and San Francisco voters have repeatedly rejected measures to change its garbage laws. The San Francisco Labor Council and San Francisco Chamber of Commerce oppose Campos’ proposal – calling Recology’s “regulated monopoly” the more stable option for San Francisco.
Do you think it’s time to open up San Francisco’s trash business to competitive bidding?