
SF Favorites

San Francisco is the best city in the world. That’s not a stretch. So what makes you happiest about San Francisco? What do we need to protect? What should we promote? And how do we promulgate policies that keep San Francisco special? One of the things about government is that it is very focused on what has gone wrong – and that certainly is important. But when we think about San Francisco as a living economy, we want to make sure to spend just as much time thinking about what is going right – so we keep it going right. Many of the greatest things about San Francisco didn’t just happen – they are the result of great policies. Thinking about what is going right is a way we can keep making our city government better. Think of it as a starting a positive feedback loop.

Laguna Honda Hospital Celebrates Its 150th Anniversary
8 years ago

Laguna Honda Hospital Celebrates Its 150th Anniversary

At Reset San Francsico, we use our Community Camera feature to shine a spotlight on the amazing community activism and engagement that is taking place all across San Francisco that …
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Community Camera Photo: Remembering Robin Williams
8 years ago

Community Camera Photo: Remembering Robin Williams

Welcome to the fourth installment of Community Camera.

#CommunityCamera is Reset San Francisco‘s weekly series that features a photograph capturing the spirit of community within San Francisco or the broader Bay Area.

Our previous …
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Fred Lyon: Photographer of Cable Cars and Movie Stars Since the 1940s
8 years ago

Fred Lyon: Photographer of Cable Cars and Movie Stars Since the 1940s

In our quest to cover legislation and government policies affecting San Francisco residents, we often end up focusing our attention on local and state officials — including, of course, Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San …
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Rose Pak: Mourning a Legendary Bay Area Community Activist
8 years ago

Rose Pak: Mourning a Legendary Bay Area Community Activist

This week, San Francisco is mourning the loss of Rose Pak, legendary activist and community organizer, who died on September 18 of natural causes at the age of 68.

Pak had worked …
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Community Camera: Winning Photo for September 14, 2016
8 years ago

Community Camera: Winning Photo for September 14, 2016

Last month, we announced the launch of Community Camera, Reset San Francisco‘s weekly photo contest.

As we explained in our launch announcement, each week we’ll ask readers to share a photograph that they feel best captures the spirit …
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Happy Birthday, California!
8 years ago

Happy Birthday, California!

Last week, California celebrated a milestone birthday. It wasn’t the 50th. Or the 100th. Or even the 150th.

On September 9, the state — which was the 31st to enter the …
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