
SF Favorites

San Francisco is the best city in the world. That’s not a stretch. So what makes you happiest about San Francisco? What do we need to protect? What should we promote? And how do we promulgate policies that keep San Francisco special? One of the things about government is that it is very focused on what has gone wrong – and that certainly is important. But when we think about San Francisco as a living economy, we want to make sure to spend just as much time thinking about what is going right – so we keep it going right. Many of the greatest things about San Francisco didn’t just happen – they are the result of great policies. Thinking about what is going right is a way we can keep making our city government better. Think of it as a starting a positive feedback loop.

Pier 39 Tree Lighting Celebration This Weekend
9 years ago

Pier 39 Tree Lighting Celebration This Weekend

Get into the holiday spirit and head to Pier 39 this weekend, November 21-22, for the annual Tree Lighting Celebration! Watch the pier’s 60-foot tree, which is adorned with hundreds …
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San Francisco is the 19th Geekiest City in the U.S. – We Call Foul
14 years ago

San Francisco is the 19th Geekiest City in the U.S. – We Call Foul

By  •  News, SF Favorites

Only 19th? We don’t know about you, San Francisco, but at Reset we’re all geek, all the time.

Urban Dictionary defines a Geek as: The people you pick on in …
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