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Don’t Let the Politicians Raid Muni’s Budget for Pet Projects
14 years ago

Don’t Let the Politicians Raid Muni’s Budget for Pet Projects

Time to reform the “Work Orders” that let politicians divert funds earmarked to make Muni faster and more reliable. Sign our petition today!

By: Phil Ting

Three times in the …
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Phone App Detects When You are Driving – And Reads Your Messages
14 years ago

Phone App Detects When You are Driving – And Reads Your Messages

Since California implemented its hands-free cell phone law in 2009, traffic deaths decreased an average of 12% a year. Nonetheless, when Bay Area law enforcement agencies and the California Highway …
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What should I put in my earthquake emergency kit for my car?

By  •  FAQ

The American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency created a list of items that every car owner should include in his or her vehicle emergency kit. Items include:

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What should I put in my earthquake emergency kit for my home?

By  •  FAQ

The American Red Cross and the Federal Emergency Management Agency created a list of items that every family should include in its emergency kit supplies. Items include:

What do I do when the earthquake finally stops?

By  •  FAQ

The aftermath of an earthquake or natural disaster isn’t always talked about, but it is important to act safely even after the shaking stops. The Earthquake and Hazards Program website …
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What Bay Area radio stations provide emergency bulletin information in the case of an earthquake or natural disaster?

By  •  FAQ

There are three radio stations in the Bay Area that provide citizens with emergency bulletin information in the event of an earthquake or natural disaster. They are: